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A Conversation with a Student Businesswoman

The pressure of being in university is tough enough. But imagine running a business at the same time. Zaara is the living personification of scheduled life, with a few twists along the way. Let's find out a little more about her story shall we?

Five Tips for Students Returning to School after the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has brought about significant changes to the lives of students, restricting them to the confines of their household, attending online university/school and not being able to meet up with friends. However, as the restrictions ease and institutions get back to in-person learning, it is important to practice the following tips and adjust

By |2021-09-05T08:16:56+00:00September 5th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

An Outlook On the Job Market For New Grads In 2021

When we are reaching the finish line towards graduation, we’re obviously struck by a myriad of different emotions. Pride about the accomplishment of staying committed to your degree, gratefulness about the friends and teachers you’ve had and maybe a sense of uncertainty. For as much as college graduation is a rite of passage onto the

By |2021-06-14T09:13:32+00:00June 14th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Be A Part of Computer Science Education Week This December

From December 7th until the 13th, the world will be celebrating a very underappreciated yet vital time; Computer Science Education Week. The event was made in honoration of Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, who in the 1960’s coined the term “compiler” as well as “bug,” when she found an actual moth in a computing system she

By |2020-12-06T11:12:05+00:00December 6th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Here Are Ways To Improve Your Attention Span

Your attention span is the amount of time you can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted. Most educators and psychologists agree that the ability to focus attention on a task is crucial for the achievement of one’s goals. It’s no surprise attention spans have been decreasing over the past decade with the increase in

By |2020-09-08T18:07:03+00:00September 8th, 2020|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

6 Great Phone Apps To Help Boost Your Producitivity

No matter what your medium is, and no matter what your plan is to get there, being productive is key to not spinning your own wheels. Seeing the fruits of our labours in both the present and the past is very important in being a producer and continuing to be one. Techniques and strategies are

Overcoming Shyness As A Young Person

Shyness is a sense of awkwardness or social uneasiness that some young people can face. Being introverted is a personality trait, however, shyness is a fear based condition where people have issues approaching people or being approached. Alot of social shyness comes from prior experiences or the ways we were raised at home.    Being

Practical Ways To Become A Better Student

Coming back from a summer break into a new learning environment is an issue that faces millions of students across the globe currently. Not only will they have to brush off the dust that a new semester brings, they also have to adapt to a completely different scenario that can challenge even the most adept

A Chat with a Youtuber and University Student

On the latest edition of the StudentsEra podcast, we talked to Fatima Shittu, an Economics student at the University of Birmingham- Dubai. Although in her first year, she is already the president of student council, as well as being an active YouTuber and bloger. She discusses her journey through academia thus far, using knowledge as

By |2020-09-05T07:03:32+00:00August 10th, 2020|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments