FundLearner is currently looking for college essays to be submitted to their platform. Did you write an essay for the upcoming semester that dealt with money, social class or work? You could have your work featured on the FundLearner platform. In the current unpresented times we live in, writing about normality and the context in which people conduct business has the potential to give great insight. Writing from the perspective of someone in such a multicultural place like the UAE would be an opportunity to share great stories of perseverance and economics in our current global scenario.

We’re proud to feature essays from different students around the world. Whether it’s a story about working as a summer garbage man or being the first-generation college student of a plumber, we are here to share your work.



The only rule is that the essay was not submitted to any college before. It should be from the upcoming fall semester, or spring semester if you’re planning on taking a gap semester this year. You can submit as many essays as you like. The deadline to submit is August 25th, so make sure to get on it as soon as possible!

To register, click on the link below. You can also e-mail us your story at [email protected] to have it featured on the website!