Let’s be real- university can get really really costly. Not all of us can afford the expensive yet qualitative education, some of us are generously helped by our parents, while some of us need to work the extra mile so that we can get a degree. Due to this situation, many students are resorting to working part-time, but they often fear that their degree may not be completed successfully, or their studies will be affected largely if they start working, due to this diversion. However, a common fear arises: will working part-time negatively impact their degree completion or academic performance? The answer is not a straightforward one, as it heavily depends on how effectively students manage the delicate art of balancing work and studies. Today, we will discuss how you can take small steps into balancing work and studies.

A positive mindset

Taking on both work and studies is undeniably challenging, but it’s important to approach this endeavor with a positive mindset. Recognize that you’re not alone in this situation, and many have successfully navigated this path before you. You can find many people sailing the same ship as you in your cohort, and resultingly become each other’s support. The key to a positive mindset lies in time management, organization, and maintaining a strong sense of determination.

Manage your time

Time management is the main path to success in this juggling act. Make use of productivity techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, time-blocking, or creating a to-do list. During study sessions, eliminate distractions, and create a conducive environment for focused learning, but also remember to take breaks in between in order to prevent burnout. It is important to ensure that your study time is sacred and protected.

A 2-in-1 schedule

One of the crucial steps in balancing work and studies is crafting a well-thought-out schedule. Start by listing all your classes, assignment deadlines, and work shifts. You need to identify the periods when you can focus solely on your studies and allocate time for work by being realistic about the number of hours you can devote to work without compromising your academic commitments.

Communicate with your employer and professors

One other aspect to keep in mind is that both your employer and your professors should be aware about your commitments. If you discuss your class and exam schedule with your employer, they may be considerate to give you shifts that align with your availability. Your professors on the other hand may be more accommodating towards attendance and submissions if they understand your situation and are informed well in advance.

Prioritize your tasks

You are just a human- you need to recognize that you cannot possibly do it all. It is crucial to prioritize your tasks and give equal importance to both work and study. If you miss a class, remember to catch up during the work-shift breaks. If you have an assignment due soon, then you can request coworkers to switch shifts and make the necessary amendments.

In the end, the path of balancing work and studies is undoubtedly demanding, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Acknowledge your progress and milestones as you move towards completing your degree while gaining practical work experience. The skills you develop- time management, organization, and resilience will serve you well in your future career. Remember that while challenges may arise, they are not undefeatable, and with the right strategies and mindset, you can achieve success in both your academic and professional pursuits. Good luck!